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Author: Prof. F. Tateo e Prof. G.Testolin, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2003
A study was carried out to determine the nutritional characteristics of the Panela Whole Cane Sugar "blocks" obtained by solidification of the sugar cane juice, typical of the Andes in Colombia....
Author: Carla Barzanò, Cucina Naturale
Coming from the East, the cane sugar is now also widely used in western countries. There are various types, with different flavors, health benefits and uses.Let us learn to know to take advantage of all of its qualities....
Author: Panela e AA.VV.
A little bit of clarity in the world of sugar: differences between the whole sugar and the brown and white sugars in crystals....
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Perfect balancing of cacao beans and Panela whose aroma enhances the cacao taste prole at the highest levels
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Organic brown cane sugar with slightly amber colour....
Organic whole cane sugar with a powdery texture, obtained by filtering and cooking the juice of the sugarcane....
Bold, coarse and crunchy with the full strenght of cacao beans 90%: primordial intensity!
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4 Good Reasons to choose Panela
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