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Author: Food And Nutrition Research Institute
Study carried out by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute - Republic of Philippines - Department of Science & Technology
Author: Salute Naturale Extra Riza
"Salute Naturale Extra" Magazine - June 2013...

Author: Dr. Danilo Cariolo per diabete.com
Available at the link: http://www.diabete.com/la-curcuma-un-aiuto-per-contrastare-il-diabete/ ...
Author: Marta Albè per GreenMe

Author: dott.ssa Carla Barzanò per Panela
https://www.macrolibrarsi.it/speciali/golden-milk-l-oro-che-fa-bene.php ...

Author: Paola Miretta per Panela

Author: Panela e AA.VV.
A little bit of clarity in the world of sugar: differences between the whole sugar and the brown and white sugars in crystals....
Author: Dott.ssa Carla Barzanò su ViviConsapevole
Coconut blossoms sugar: the way to get rid of palm oil and calories
Published on ViviConsapevole - Autumn 2015...

Author: Eros Santoni
Author: Kay-Tee Khaw, Stephen J Sharp, Leila Finikarides, Islam Afzal, Marleen Lentjes, Robert Luben, Nita G Forouhi
Author: Prof. Antonello Paparella per Il Fatto Alimentare
Credits Il Fatto Alimentare...

Author: Redazione Panela
*Origin and Process:*Organic Illipe Butter is a natural vegetable fat derived from the nut of the Shorea stenoptera tree, native to the forests of Borneo. The nuts are collected from the ground, dried until the fruit separates from the shell, and then processed to yield a butter that ranges in color from ivory white to pinkish, with a light nutty scent, similar to cocoa butter.
*Nutritional Profi...

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