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Author: Lucia Cuffaro per Macrolibrarsi www.macrolibrarsi.it
La parola Kefir deriva dall’armeno Keif che significa benessere. È frutto della fermentazione del latte fresco o dell’acqua zuccherata attivata da una coltura madre naturale con microrganismi specifici, fermenti e lieviti che rendono il prod...
Author: Accarezzandolavita.it
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Organic whole cane sugar with a powdery texture, obtained by filtering and cooking the juice of the sugarcane....
Cacao benas, Piedmont hazelnut and Panela... what else? Hazelnut and cacao beans crushed together with Panela that deliver an incredibl...
A bar of Golden Milk...inspired energy!
INSPIRATION: with cocoa nibs, turmeric, ginger and lemon zest. Regenerating crunchiness!
Gluten free Peanut flour
Proteins 47%
Ideal for baking. Mix up to 50% with gluten/gluten free flours
Organic Gluten Free...
4 Good Reasons to choose Panela
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